Thief 1 (Gold, preferably)

Fix Mod

  1. Download TFix.
  2. Select what you want.
  3. Point the installer to your game’s root directory.

Improved Controls

  1. Download the Modern control scheme.
  2. Put it in thief_gold\SAVES folder.


	- ESC - Menu/Back
	- F1 - Breath Potion
	- F2 - Holy Water
	- F3 - Gas Mine
	- F4 -  Mine
	- F5 - Quick Save
	- F9 - Quick Load
	- ` - Clear Item
	- 1 - Sword
	- 2 - Black Jack
	- 3 - Broad Head Bow
	- 4 - Water Arrow
	- 5 - Fire Arrow
	- 6 - Moss Arrow
	- 7 - Gas Arrow
	- 8 - Rope Arrow
	- 9 - Noise Arrow
	- Backspace - Release Item
	- Tab - Next Item
	- Q - Lean Left
	- W - Move Forward
	- E - Lean Right
	- R - Square Lockpick
	- T - Triangle Lockpick
	- Y - Compass
	- A - Move Left
	- S - Move Back
	- D - Move Right
	- F - Use Item
	- G - Flash Bomb
	- H - Health Bomb
	- J - View Objective
	- Shift - Run
	- Z - Previous Item
	- X - Lean Forward
	- C - Toggle Crouch
	- M - View Map
	- CTRL - Block
	- ALT - Creep
	- SPACE - Jump/Mantle
	- Mouse Wheel Up - Previous Weapon
	- Mouse 1 - Use Weapon
	- Mouse 3 - Clear Weapon
	- Mouse 2 - Use Item/Interact
	- Mouse Wheel Down - Next Weapon