Modding PDTH with DAHM/DorHUD

Installing DAHM Itself

  1. Download either the “full version” (all submods) or the “essential version” (essential mods only) - Download here.
  2. Install it into your root PDTH folder.

Editing Corpse Despawn

This is a dirty edit of an already existing file in the full version of DAHM’s files. Backup your mod and heed notice.

  1. Go to the mod corpse_despawn.
  2. Edit enemymanager.lua.
  3. Go to lines 14 - 19 and change any of the values post-equals symbol (I personally do not edit the intervals.).

Borderless Window Plugin

Allows your game to run in borderless windowed mode.

Personal Suggestions

Install these mods into your mods folder in your PDTH folder.

Visual Mods

HUD Mods