Quick Windows 10/11 Setup
General Setup
- Install Windows LTSC.
LTSC is Windows but without the major bloatware. I recommend Windows 10.
- Run this command in Powershell admin:
irm https://get.activated.win | iex
Activates the LTSC release you installed. SRC.
- Run this command in PowerShell admin:
iwr -useb https://christitus.com/win | iex
Allows you to debloat further without breaking your system and install common programs. SRC.
NVidia Only
- Install and run NVCleanInstall
Allows you to install graphics driver without the bloat.
Optional Visuals
- Install and run Windhawk
Allows you to customize things like the start menu and the taskbar and more. SRC.
- Install and run NileSoft Shell
Allows you to customize the context menu (aka right click menu). My personal config debloats the context menu further. SRC.