// //Gameplay // //Frame rate cap (0 for none) MaxFPS = "0" // 0 to 1000 //Show current framerate on screen DrawFPS = "0" // 0 or 1 //Toggle framerate smoothing SmoothFramerate = "0" // 0 or 1 //Horizontal field of view in degrees assuming 16:9 aspect ratio FOV = "120" // 65 to 120 SplitscreenOrientation = "0" // 0 or 1 //Enable network voice chat VoiceChat = "1" // 0 or 1 //Enable occlusion of sound behind solid surfaces SoundOcclusion = "1" // 0 or 1 //Mouse smoothing amount MouseFilter = "0" // 0 to 10 MouseAcceleration = "0" // 0 to 1 MouseSensitivity = "2" // 0.1 to 30 //Mouse vertical sensitivity MouseVerticalSensitivity = "0.022" // -1 to 1 //Enable vertical look with the mouse MouseVerticalLook = "1" // 0 or 1 //Maximum number of simultaneous human corpses CorpseCount = "1" // 1 to 32 //Number of frames the driver is allowed to enqueue, a lower value improves input latency but may decrease performance. Set it to 0 to use the system default, usually 3. MaxFrameLatency = "1" // 0 to 4 //0 use two threads, one thread update frame N while the second render N-1. 1 concatenate update and render. 2 concatenate update render and frame presentation. //0 is the default for the best performance, 1 and 2 improve latency but require a powerful CPU. SerializeRender = "0" // 0 to 2 // //Setup // //Set to zero to force auto-detect to run at startup AutoDetectHasRun = "1" // 0 or 1 //Clear to check driver against recommended LastDriverNvidia = "0" // 0 or bigger //Clear to check driver against recommended LastDriverAMD = "0" // 0 or bigger //Fraction of video memory usage to target VideoMemory = "0.85" // 0.75 to 1 //Hide graphics options that are too demanding for the user's video card RestrictGraphicsOptions = "1" // 0 or 1 // //Display // // 0 - Windowed, 1 - Fullscreen, 2 - Fullscreen Window FullScreenMode = "2" // 0 to 2 //Window X position WindowX = "0" // -8192 to 8192 //Window Y position WindowY = "0" // -8192 to 8192 WindowSize = "1920x1080" // any text RefreshRate = "240" // 1 to 240 //Monitor index to use for fullscreen Monitor = "1" // 0 to 8 //Vsync only applies in fullscreen Vsync = "0" // 0 or 1 //Percentage of window resolution that the 3D scene renders at ResolutionPercent = "100" // 50 to 200 //Color spaces for monitor output DisplayGamma = "sRGB" // sRGB, rec.709, or rec.709 - Limited //Set to 3 to enable triple buffering, useful to prevent large framerate drops when vsync is enabled BackbufferCount = "2" // 2 to 3 // //Graphics // //LOD's to drop on models, lower numbers are higher quality MeshQuality = "0" // 0 to 2 //0 - Force 2x anisotropic filtering, 1 - Per material, 2 - Force 16x anisotropic filtering TextureFilter = "2" // 0 to 2 //Number of mips to drop on streamed textures, lower numbers are higher quality TextureQuality = "1" // 0 to 3 //Number of mips to drop on effects and dynamic decals, lower numbers are higher quality TextureQualityFX = "1" // 0 to 15 //Number of mips to drop on reflections, lower numbers are higher quality TextureQualityProbes = "0" // 0 to 16 //Number of mips to drop on sun shadows, lower numbers are higher quality TextureQualityBakedSunShadows = "0" // 0 to 2 //Force lowest mips to stay loaded instead of streaming TextureLowDetailResident = "0" // 0 or 1 DisableDynamicLightShadows = "0" // 0 or 1 DisableDynamicSunShadows = "0" // 0 or 1 //Resolution of spot light shadows SpotShadowTextureSize = "4096" // 128 to 8192 //Resolution of omni (point) light shadows OmniShadowTextureSize = "512" // 128 to 2048 //Enable multi-sampled soft shadows ShadowFiltering = "1" // 0 or 1 //Number of lights with otherwise static shadows to force characters shadows on ActorShadows = "8" // 0 to 16 //Enable volumetric sun and light shafts VolumetricLightingEnabled = "1" // 0 or 1 //Number of raymarch samples for sunlight VolumetricLightingMaxSunSamples = "40" // 1 to 256 //Number of raymarch samples for local lights VolumetricLightingMaxLightSamples = "80" // 1 to 256 //Skip every other sample if color is constant VolumetricLightingSkipSunSamples = "0" // 0 or 1 //Skip every other sample if color is constant VolumetricLightingSkipLightSamples = "0" // 0 or 1 //Enabled order-independent transparency OIT = "1" // 0 or 1 //Maximum number of overlapping transparency layers OITLayers = "16" // 8, 9, 12, or 16 //Screen-space ambient occlusion method SSAOTechnique = "GTAO Ultra Quality" // Disabled, HEMIAO, GTAO Low Quality, GTAO Medium Quality, GTAO High Quality, or GTAO Ultra Quality //Anti-aliasing technique AATechnique = "Filmic SMAA T2x" // None, FXAA, SMAA 1x, Filmic SMAA 1x, SMAA T2x, or Filmic SMAA T2x //Per-object motion blur MotionBlur = "Off" // Off, Auto, or On MotionBlurQuality = "Medium" // Low, Medium, or High //Better lighting for skin SubsurfaceScattering = "1" // 0 or 1 //If true, the game will switch back to fullscreen once it get back the focus after losing it on Alt+Tab or similar events. If false, the game stay window and can be switch back to fullscreen with Alt+Enter AutoRestoreFullscreen = "1" // 0 or 1 //Set to 1 or 2 to display an ingame overlay of the frame performance over time. ShowPerformanceGraph = "0" // 0 to 16 //Reduces memory reservations on systems with low GPU memory. StreamMinResident = "0" // 0 or 1