Super Simple Borderlands 1
- Custom UI SDK
A resource for modders to use custom icons.
- Bloodwing Return Fix
Currently only fixes the manual return.
- Quiet Console
Removes all of gearbox’s prints to console.
- Find Rare Items Fix
Fixes ‘Team Find Rare Items’ on Catalyst and Scavenger coms.
- Permanent FOV and Sprint Rotation Fix
Fixes diagonal sprint, Mordecai and Lilith melee zoom, FOV resetting, and the use key also being a reload key. Also lowers how much FOV increases when you sprint so that high FOVs still look good and FOV stays increased when you jump like in the rest of the series.
- Scroll Wheel Fix
Fixes weapons being out of order when switching with the scroll wheel.
- Unofficial Patch
The SDK version has some more fixes (see the changes after 1.0.0) and has better compatibility with other mods, but it currently lacks the animation fixes that the UPK version has.
Quality Of Life
- Ry’s Auto Save
A variety of QoL changes for BL1.
- Ry’s Quality of Life
Configurable autosaving for BL1.
- Skill Tree Tweaks
Quality of Life changes to skill trees.
- Autopickup SDK
Adds auto-pickup, with BL3 Auto-Loot as an option.
- SDU Guaranteed
Makes SDU’s guaranteed.
User Interface
- Confirmation Remover
Removes the ‘Are you sure?’ and other prompts from vendors.
- Extended Item Cards
Adds Recharge Delay and Reload Time to item cards.
- Mission Selector
Adds keybinds to switch missions like in BL3. Default keys are F1 and F2.