;========================================================================== ; ; Combat Additions ; v2.4 ; ; 0. General ; 1. Dodge ; 2. Hitstop ; 3. Backstabs/Critical Strikes ; 4. Poise ; 5. Clash ; 6. Parry/Counter ; 7. Powerattacks ; 8. Misc. Attacks ; 9. Attack Commitment/Momentum ; 10. Stamina ; 11. Enemy AI/Creature AI ; 12. Bashing ; 13. Lock-On ; 14. Combat Rating ; 15. Finishers ; 16. Marksman ; 17. Consumables ; 18. Attack Cleaving ; ; 98. Mod Balance ; 99. Miscellaneous ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 0. GENERAL ; ; Make sure this file is in your data/ini/ folder. ; ; Anything that starts with a ; in this ini is a comment and ; is ignored by the game. Lines that start with "setgs" ; or "set LDQuest" can be edited. Also, if a feature is ; disabled, then the rest of the settings for that ; particular feature will have no effect and can be ignored. ; ; - Set whether to use GMST edits to equalize overall movement speeds. ; Minimum speed will be higher, athletics will have minimal impact ; on movement speed. ; ; The last two values reduce creature speed to a level that ; (in my opinion) is a bit more realistic for them. ; ; Remove the ; in front of the changes made below if you ; wish to enable them. ; ; You can also edit the values below to your liking and use them ; instead of other speed-altering mods to save an esp slot. ; ; setgs fMoveCharWalkMin 130.000000 ; setgs fMoveCharWalkMax 140.000000 ; setgs fMoveRunAthleticsMult 0.100000 ; setgs fMoveRunMult 2.3 ; setgs fMoveCreatureWalkMin 50.000000 ; setgs fMoveCreatureWalkMax 130.000000 ; ; - The settings below will fix the third person camera ; so it always instantly follows the player. ; setgs fChase3rdPersonXYMult 50.000000 setgs fChase3rdPersonVanityXYMult 99.000000 ; ; - The values below change combat-related game settings ; to increase damage taken and damage dealt. The values are ; similar to OOO's damage/health multipliers. ; ; The changes are disabled by default. Uncomment them below ; to enable them. (remove the ; in front of setgs) ; ; - Damage multipliers ; ; setgs fDamageWeaponMult 1.25 ; setgs fCreatureCalcDamage 1.35 ; ; - Enemy health multipliers ; ; setgs fNPCAttributeHealthMult 0.5 ; setgs iNPCBasePerLevelHealthMult 5 ; setgs fLowLevelNPCBaseHealthMult 0.7 ; ; - Player health multiplier ; ; setgs fPCBaseHealthMult 1.5 ; ; - Damage to armor/weapons ; ; setgs fDamageToArmorPercentage to 3 ; setgs fDamageToWeaponPercentage to 0.03 ; ; - Misc. game settings (Health bars will display for a little ; bit longer and enemies will keep their weapons in their ; inventory on death instead of dropping them) ; ; If iDeathDropWeaponChance is set to 0 then other mods that ; make enemies keep their weapons in their inventory on death ; are no longer needed. ; ; setgs fEnemyHealthBarTimer 5 ; setgs iDeathDropWeaponChance 0 ; ; - The settings below disable the knockback when an actor is hit. ; Enabled by default. ; setgs fknockbackDamageBase 0 setgs fknockbackTime 0 ; ; - The setting below will decrease the combat hit cone angle ; and make it easier to dodge attacks by side-stepping. ; ; Note that reducing this makes Cleaving harder. ; ; setgs fCombatHitConeAngle 25 ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 1. DODGE ; ; - Set whether to enable dodging for the player. ; ; The player will be invincible for 0.3 sec while dashing. ; i-frames are increased to 0.75 sec while rolling. ; ; Compatible with my Interact Animations mod. ; As in, you can't dodge while eating/drinking/looting etc. ; ; Note: Please keep this enabled. This starts the main quest ; of the mod that a bunch of other features depend on. ; I recommend just setting the dodge requirement to 99 or ; something if you don't want to make use of this feature. ; ; But keep it enabled or things will break! ; ; (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled) ; set LDQuest.PlayerDodge to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set the key you would like to use for Dodging/Backstep. ; ; Keycodes can be found here: ; https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/DirectX_Scancodes_And_How_To_Use_Them ; set LDQuest.DodgeKey to 0 ;default 42 (Left Shift) ; ; - Set whether to also enable Dodging by double-tapping a direction key. ; Note: you can only Backstep with the dodge key. ; ; Dodging by double-tapping will always switch your POV to third person ; because of technical reasons. ; ; Note: dash into roll will only work with the Dodge key. Dodging by ; double-tapping will cause you to dash by default. This behavior ; can be changed further below in this section. ; set LDQuest.DoubleTapDodge to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Double-tap sensitivity can be selected below: ; ; set to 0 for 0.1 sec ; set to 1 for 0.2 sec ; set to 2 for 0.3 sec ; set to 3 for 0.4 sec ; set to 4 for 0.5 sec ; set LDQuest.DodgeTimer to 2 ;default 2 ; ; - Set the amount of Agility (1-99) required to perform dodges. ; set LDQuest.DodgeReq to 1 ;default 1 (always enabled) ; ; - Set whether Dodging in first person should switch the camera ; to third person view until the Dodge animation is finished. ; ; Enable to make Timed Dodging from first person possible. ; set LDQuest.DodgePOV to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether the player's direction should be locked during dodges. ; Doesn't play well with lock-on. ; set LDQuest.LockedDodge to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether Dodging should have a cooldown. ; set LDQuest.playerdodgecd to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - If the option above is enabled, the Dodge cooldown can be ; specified below. ; set LDQuest.DodgeCDTimer to 3 ;default 3 (3 sec) ; ; - Set whether to use the old code for Dodge initialization. ; ; Fixes the misaligned camera if using Enhanced Camera, ; but will require you to pre-dodge in every direction ; a single time for it to start working. ; ; Temporary fix until I can figure out how to get this mod ; to play nice with Enhanced Camera. ; set LDQuest.DodgeECcomp to 0 ;default 0 ; ; - Pressing the Dodge key will cause you to dash by default. ; Pressing the key again while dashing will cause you to roll-dodge. ; ; This behavior can be changed below. ; ; set to 0 for default behavior (dash into roll), ; set to 1 to only enable rolling, ; set to 2 to only enable dashing ; set to 3 to use separate keys for dashing/rolling ; set LDQuest.DodgeBehavior to 0 ;default 0 ; ; - Set the individual keys for dashing and rolling. Only has effect if the option ; above is set to 3. Note that these keys cannot be the same as the default dodge key. ; set LDQuest.rollkey to 44 ;default 44 (Z) set LDQuest.dashkey to 56 ;default 56 (Left Alt) ; ; - Set how long the player should be invulnerable while dodging. ; ; set to 0 for default behavior (0.35 sec/ 0.75 sec) ; set to 1 for 0.35 sec ; set to 2 for 0.75 sec ; ; Can be mixed and matched with the dodge behavior options, ; though you should probably keep this at 0 if using the default ; dash into roll behavior. ; set LDQuest.iframes to 0 ;default 0 ; ; - Set whether to obscure/fade the player while dashing or dodging. ; Only applies while i-frames are active. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to enable in third person, ; Set to 2 to enable in first person, ; Set to 3 to enable in both first and third person ; ; Enabled in first person by default so you can tell when i-frames ; are active, as first person dodging is not animated. ; set LDQuest.DodgeFade to 2 ;default 2 (first person) ; ; - Set whether to use the timed dodge feature. Dodging an ; enemy Powerattack in melee range will briefly slow down time ; and grant you a burst of speed. ; ; Timed Dodges can only be triggered when rolling. ; set LDQuest.TimedDodge to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set the amount of Agility (1-99) required to perform Timed Dodges. ; set LDQuest.TDPlayeragi to 1 ;default 1 (always enabled) ; ; - Set whether to enable Counterattacks after Timed Dodges. ; You will have a short window to hit the enemy that the Timed Dodge ; has been performed on for extra damage. ; set LDQuest.TDCounter to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether Perfect Dodging should be enabled if using ; the Dash into Roll option. Timing a Roll after Dashing ; will refund the initial Dash Fatigue cost. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to refund initial Dash cost, ; Set to 2 to refund full Dash + Roll cost ; set LDQuest.PerfectDodge to 1 ;default 1 ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 2. HITSTOP ; ; - Whether to use the Hitstop feature. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 for 0.01 sec, ; Set to 2 for 0.02 sec, ; Set to 3 for 0.03 sec, ; Set to 4 for 0.05 sec ; ; Try setting this higher if the effect isn't very noticeable in a ; modded game. ; set LDQuest.UseHitstop to 0 ;default 3 (0.03 sec) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 3. BACKSTABS/CRITICAL STRIKES ; ; - Whether to use the Backstab feature. ; ; Attacks made against a target's back will deal extra damage. ; Applies to all weapons/spells. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to use a level-based damage calculation, ; Set to 2 for a flat amount of damage, ; Set to 3 for weapon damage + 20% ; set LDQuest.UseBackstab to 3 ;default 3 (20% extra damage) ; ; - Set the flat damage amount (if above option is set to 2) ; set LDQuest.BSFlatDamage to -10 ;(must be a negative value) ; ; - Level-based Backstab damage calculation is as follows: ; ; (backstabdamage - attacker's level) ; ; So if backstabdamage is set to -10, a level 1 character will ; do 11 damage on a backstab, and a level 50 character will ; do 60 damage. ; set LDQuest.BackstabDamage to -10 ;default -10 ; ; - Whether to play a sound effect during a backstab. set LDQuest.UseBackstabFX to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether the target of a backstab should have a short, ; red-colored shader applied to them. ; set LDQuest.UseBackstabShader to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether to enable Critical Strikes. This will give actors ; in combat a chance to inflict increased damage on basic attacks, ; based on a chosen Attribute. ; ; Note: requires Backstabs to be enabled. ; set LDQuest.UseCrits to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set the Attribute that should determine Critical Strike chance. ; ; Set to 0 for Luck ; Set to 1 for Agility ; Set to 2 for Strength ; set LDQuest.Critstat to 0 ;default 0 (Luck) ; ; - Critical Strikes only apply to basic attacks by default. ; ; Set the option below to 1 to enable Critical Powerattacks. ; This also enables Critical hits on Spells/Staves. ; set LDQuest.CritPA to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether to play a sound effect on Critical Strikes ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to enable on everything including the player, ; Set to 2 to disable on the player ; set LDQuest.CritSFX to 1 ;default 1 ; ; - Critical Strike damage can be configured below: ; ; - Critical Strike Base (minimum) Damage: ; set LDQuest.CritBaseDamage to 3 ;default 3 ; ; - Critical Strike Damage Multiplier: ; set LDQuest.CritMult to 2 ;default 2 ; ; Final Crit Damage = (25% of Weapon Damage * Multiplier) + Base damage ; ; - Set whether to show Critical damage numbers in-game. (player only) ; set LDQuest.CritMessage to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - The Critical Strike chance for actors can be configured below. ; This equals to: chosen attribute above divided by the value below. ; ; Example: 100 Luck / 4 = 25% crit chance (4 being the value below) ; set LDQuest.CritChance to 4 ;default 4 ; ; - Whether enemy Critical Strikes should receive a chance to randomly damage one ; of the player's attributes. Only one of these debuffs can be active at a time. ; The debuffs are added in the form of diseases. ; set LDQuest.CritDebuffs to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set the chance for enemy Critical Strikes to apply a debuff to the player. ; set LDQuest.CritDebuffChance to 10 ;default 10 (10%) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 4. POISE ; ; If Poise is enabled, actors in combat will stagger once enough ; hits have landed for their Poise to break. Poise values for ; actors can be configured at the end of this section. ; ; - Whether to use the Poise system. (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled) ; set LDQuest.UsePoise to 0 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether the player is included in the Poise system. ; If set to 0, player stagger will revert back to vanilla. ; set LDQuest.PlayerPoise to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - The setting below controls the Poise cooldown in seconds. ; This cooldown triggers after an actor's poise has reached zero. ; An actor cannot be staggered while the cooldown is active. ; set LDQuest.PoiseCooldown to 4 ;default 4 (4 sec) ; ; - Set whether to apply a short orange-colored glow to a ; poise-broken target whenever their poise has reset and ; they can be staggered again. ; set LDQuest.PoiseIndicator to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether the player should break out of the stagger animation ; automatically if attacked while staggering. This is on by default ; to prevent stunlocks and reduce player stagger duration. ; set LDQuest.PoiseAntiStunlock to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether Two-handed weapons should deal double Poise damage. ; I recommend using my attack animations if you wish to enable ; this option. (they will make Two-handed weapons slower) ; set LDQuest.TwoHandPoise to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set the Attribute that should determine an actor's Poise value. ; ; Set to 0 for Endurance ; Set to 1 for Strength ; Set to 2 for Agility ; Set to 3 for Willpower ; set LDQuest.PoiseAttribute to 0 ;default 0 (Endurance) ; ; - Set the amount of hits it takes to stagger an actor. ; Powerattacks will count as 2 hits. ; Poise is determined by the attribute chosen above. (ATT) ; ; - Player Poise: ; set LDQuest.playerpoise1 to 1 ;default 1 (1 - 34 ATT) set LDQuest.playerpoise2 to 2 ;default 2 (35 - 59 ATT) set LDQuest.playerpoise3 to 3 ;default 3 (60 - 74 ATT) set LDQuest.playerpoise4 to 4 ;default 4 (75 - 94 ATT) set LDQuest.playerpoise5 to 5 ;default 5 (95+ ATT) ; ; - NPC Poise: ; set LDQuest.npcpoise1 to 1 ;default 1 (1 - 34 ATT) set LDQuest.npcpoise2 to 2 ;default 2 (35 - 59 ATT) set LDQuest.npcpoise3 to 3 ;default 3 (60 - 74 ATT) set LDQuest.npcpoise4 to 4 ;default 4 (75 - 94 ATT) set LDQuest.npcpoise5 to 5 ;default 5 (95+ ATT) ; ; - Creature Poise: ; set LDQuest.creaturepoise1 to 1 ;default 1 (1 - 34 ATT) set LDQuest.creaturepoise2 to 2 ;default 2 (35 - 59 ATT) set LDQuest.creaturepoise3 to 3 ;default 3 (60 - 74 ATT) set LDQuest.creaturepoise4 to 4 ;default 4 (75 - 94 ATT) set LDQuest.creaturepoise5 to 5 ;default 5 (95+ ATT) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 5. WEAPON CLASH ; ; If this feature is enabled and two combatants strike ; each other at the same time in melee distance, ; a sound effect will play and sparks will fly out. ; ; Note: This feature will not trigger on Powerattacks. ; ; - Whether to use the Clash feature. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to use simple Clash, ; Set to 2 to use advanced Clash ; ; If set to 1, all weapons can clash with each other. ; If set to 2, heavier weapons will have priority and will ; cause their opponent to stagger momentarily during a Clash. ; set LDQuest.UseClash to 0 ;default 1 (simple) ; ; Note: The settings below only apply to simple Clash. ; ; - Set whether weapon-wielding Creatures should be included. ; set LDQuest.CreatureClash to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether you want a short Blockhit animation to play during a Clash. ; ; Set to 0 for no animations ; Set to 1 to play the animation on the target of the attack ; Set to 2 to play the animation on both actors ; set LDQuest.ClashAnim to 2 ;default 2 (both) ; ; - Set the cooldown between which weapon Clashes can occur, in seconds. ; set LDQuest.ClashCooldown to 3 ;default 3 (3 sec) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 6. PARRY/COUNTER ; ; If this feature is enabled the player gets a 0.15 sec ; parry window when they start blocking. Attacks made ; against the player during this time will result in ; a parry. ; ; A successful parry will reset the player's Poise. ; ; - Whether to use the parry feature. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to Parry by performing a Timed Block, ; Set to 2 to Parry by pressing the Parry key ; set LDQuest.UseParry to 1 ;default 1 (timed block) ; ; - If the above option is set to 2, a parry key can be specified below. ; ; Keycodes can be found here: ; https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/DirectX_Scancodes_And_How_To_Use_Them ; set LDQuest.ParryKey to 47 ;default 47 (the V key) ; ; - Set the required Block skill (1 to 99) in order to be able to parry. ; set LDQuest.ParrySkill to 1 ;default 1 (can always parry) ; ; - Set the parry cooldown. Once attempted, you must wait this long ; before you can try again. ; set LDQuest.ParryCooldown to 3 ;default 3 (3 sec) ; ; - Set whether to use the chain parry feature. If enabled, ; a successful parry will instantly reset the cooldown. ; set LDQuest.ParryChain to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Powerattacks cannot be parried by default. ; Set the option below to 0 to enable Powerattack parrying. ; set LDQuest.NoPAParry to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Change the setting below to 1 if you want the parry window ; to be slightly longer. The difference is only 0.05 sec, ; but I feel like it makes parrying a lot easier. ; set LDQuest.LongerParryWindow to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set the desired effect you wish to occur after a parry: ; ; set to 1 to knock the enemy back, ; set to 2 for Health damage, (20 + player's level) ; set to 3 for both of the above, ; set to 4 to damage Fatigue instead (40 + player's level) ; set to 5 to stagger the enemy and enable Counterattacks ; set LDQuest.ParryEffect to 5 ;default 5 (stagger) ; ; - Set whether you want to be healed after a successful parry. ; ; Note: this should not be needed anymore. It was mainly added ; to negate the damage the player would have taken, but newer ; versions of the mod will add a defensive spell during a parry ; which will negate most/all of the damage taken. ; ; Set to 0 for no healing. ; Set to 1 to heal for 20% of your base Health. ; Set to 2 to heal for 9999. (full heal) ; set LDQuest.ParryHeal to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether a succesful parry should refund stamina/fatigue. ; Refunds 20% of your base fatigue. ; set LDQuest.ParryStaminaRefund to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether to play a 0.6 sec hitstop after a successful parry. ; set LDQuest.UseParryHitstop to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether to play a short visual effect on the player ; whenever a parry is attempted. ; set LDQuest.ParryIndicator to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether you want a sound effect to play during a parry. ; set LDQuest.UseParryFX to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Enable the setting below for a chance to taunt the enemy ; after a parry. This is mostly fine but it uses persuasion ; dialogue and some taunts don't really make sense so this ; is off by default for immersion purposes. ; set LDQuest.ParryTaunt to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether a sound effect should play when performing a Counterattack. ; set LDQuest.CounterSFX to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Whether to play a visual effect on the target during a Counterattack. ; set LDQuest.CounterShader to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 7. POWERATTACKS ; ; - Set whether additional effects should be added to powerattacks ; depending on an actor's skill with their equipped weapon. ; Applies to both the player and enemies. ; ; Blade weapons can make the target bleed for 3 seconds ; One-Handed Blunt weapons deal Fatigue damage + Silence for 3/4/5 sec. ; Two-Handed Blunt weapons can weaken the target's armor for 3/4/5 sec. ; ; If the Powerattack is blocked, the effect will not trigger. ; set LDQuest.AdditionalPA to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; The chance to perform a special powerattack depends ; on the actor's skill with the equipped weapon. ; ; The chances can be configured below. ; Decrease the values to increase the chance. ; (1 = nearly 100% chance, 90 = 10% chance, etc.) ; ; Less than 50 weapon skill = low ; Between 50-75 weapon skill = med ; More than 75 weapon skill = strong ; set LDQuest.PAChanceLow to 75 ;default 75 (25%) set LDQuest.PAChanceMed to 66 ;default 66 (33%) set LDQuest.PAChanceStrong to 50 ;default 50 (50%) ; ; - Undead type creatures cannot be affected by bleed damage from Blade weapons ; by default. Set option below to 1 to enable bleed damage on undead creatures. ; set LDQuest.BleedingUndead to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 8. MISC. ATTACKS ; ; - Set whether you wish to be able to cancel/dodge out of your attacks. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to enable Dash/Dodge-cancelling out of any attack, ; Set to 2 to enable Dodge/Block-cancelling the remainder of your attacks. ; ; If set to 1, you will be able to Dash/Dodge out of your attack ; animations whenever you want to. (this option has no Block-cancel) ; ; If set to 2, you will be able to Dodge/Block-cancel an attack ; after the attack's wind-up has finished. ; set LDQuest.AttackCancel to 2 ;default 2 ; ; - Set whether you wish to be able to cancel Powerattacks. ; Only applies if above option is set to 2. ; ; Set to 0 for normal behavior (after your attack's wind-up), ; Set to 1 to fully disable Powerattack cancelling, ; Set to 2 to enable Powerattack cancelling at any point ; set LDQuest.PACancel to 0 ;default 0 ; ; - Set whether to use Attack Chains. ; ; Pressing the attack key at the exact moment your hit ; connects will cancel the remainder of your current ; attack and immediately begin a new one. ; set LDQuest.AttackChain to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether to play a short visual effect on succesful attack chains. ; set LDQuest.ACfx to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether attack chains should have a 2 second cooldown. ; This is on by default to reduce the spammability of this feature. ; set LDQuest.ACCooldown to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set the cooldown for attack chains in seconds, if above option is enabled. ; set LDQuest.ACCooldownTimer to 3 ;default 3 (3 sec) ; ; - Set whether to use Attack Indicators. ; ; This will make enemies briefly glow red each time they ; start an attack. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to enable for all enemy attacks ; Set to 2 to only enable on enemy Powerattacks ; set LDQuest.AttackIndicators to 2 ;default 2 (Powerattacks) ; ; - Set whether Attack Indicators should play a sound effect ; during enemy attacks. ; set LDQuest.IndicatorSFX to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether to enable player instant kills on unaware enemies. ; ; Compatible with experience mods, the damage will come from the player. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to enable for all enemies, ; Set to 2 to only enable on lower level enemies ; set LDQuest.UseInstakill to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether to enable Counter Hits. ; ; 20% more damage will be dealt to actors if they are ; hit by a melee attack while they are ; attacking/dodging/casting/healing. ; ; Applies to both grass healing from this mod, and animated ; potions from my Interact Animations mod. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to enable for all actors, ; Set to 2 to disable on the player, ; Set to 3 to disable on Creatures ; set LDQuest.UseCounterHits to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Whether to enable Guard Counters. Blocking an attack will allow you to immediately ; perform a counterattack if the attack key is pressed shortly afterwards. Allows enemies ; to perform Guard Counters as well, if enabled. ; set LDQuest.GuardCounter to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set the amount of damage Guard Counters should deal. Equals to weapon damage ; divided by the number below. Decrease the number to increase damage dealt. ; set LDQuest.GCDamageMult to 6 ;default 6 ; ; - Whether Guard Counters should also deal Poise damage. Damage dealt depends on ; your Block skill. ; set LDQuest.GCPoiseDamage to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set the amount of Fatigue that Guard Counters should cost. Equals to Fatigue ; cost of a basic attack multiplied by the value below. ; set LDQuest.GCFatigueMult to 5 ;default 5 ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 9. ATTACK COMMITMENT/MOMENTUM ; ; - Toggle the option below to enable attack commitment. (player only) ; Locks your direction during basic attack animations. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to enable at the end of your attacks, ; Set to 2 to enable at the start of your attacks ; ; Can be used together with Attack Cancel if set to 2. ; set LDQuest.AttackCommitment to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether to use Momentum. Your speed will be reduced ; to walking speed while attacking, and will be set back ; to running speed after your attack has finished. ; ; Set to 1 to enable slowdown after your attack's wind-up, ; Set to 2 to enable slowdown during your attack's wind-up. ; set LDQuest.UseMomentum to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether to use Attack Commitment for enemies. ; ; This feature will lock enemy facing direction during melee attacks. ; set LDQuest.UnidirectionalAttack to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set the option below to 1 to enable Momentum for NPC's and Creatures. ; ; This serves as a more strict version of enemy attack commitment, and ; will fully lock enemies in place during attacks, after the attack's wind-up. ; ; Works on both NPC's and Creatures. ; ; Also reduces enemy chasing potential. Conflicts with the attack ; commitment option above so please do not enable both at the same time. ; set LDQuest.NPCMomentum to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 10. STAMINA ; ; - Set whether to disable attacking at low/zero stamina. (player only) ; set LDQuest.OutOfStamina to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether Dodging should have a stamina cost. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 for Armor-specific stamina cost, ; Set to 2 for 25% of max Fatigue ; Set to 3 for 15% of max Fatigue ; Set to 4 for 5% of max Fatigue ; set LDQuest.DodgeStaminaCost to 4 ;default 4 (5%) ; ; - Set the minimum amount of Fatigue required to dodge. Dodges will fail ; if your Fatigue is below this amount. ; set LDQuest.DodgeMinFatigue to 15 ;default 15 ; ; - Change the setting below to 1 to receive increased ; Fatigue regeneration as long as you are crouching/sneaking. ; ; Note: This is incompatible with Dark Souls Stamina. ; ; This feature also assumes that your game's default ; fFatigueReturnBase setting is 10 (Vanilla value) ; set LDQuest.CrouchRegen to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 11. ENEMY AI/CREATURE AI ; ; - Set whether enemy AI should be enabled. ; Enemies will be more aware of the player's actions during combat. ; ; They will also gain the ability to Bash and dodge certain attacks. ; ; This feature requires Poise to be enabled, because otherwise ; enemies might get stuck trying to break your Poise which would ; cause them to keep throwing basic attacks non-stop. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to always enable, ; Set to 2 to only enable in interiors, ; Set to 3 to disable on lower level enemies, ; Set to 4 to disable on lower level enemies + only enable in interiors ; set LDQuest.EnemyAI to 1 ;default 1 ; ; - Enemies are allowed to bash the player out of powerattacks/blocks ; by default. Set option below to 0 to disable. Try to disable this if you're ; getting random crashes while in combat with NPC's and it doesn't look ; like there's a clear reason for it. ; set LDQuest.AIBashing to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether enemies should be able to dodge attacks if Enemy AI ; is enabled. ; set LDQuest.AIDodge to 0 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Whether enemies should dash or use roll dodges, if above option is enabled. ; ; Set to 0 for Dashes, ; Set to 1 for Roll Dodges, ; Set to 2 for both (enemies in Light Armor will use roll dodges) ; set LDQuest.AIDodgeType to 1 ;default 1 ; ; - Set whether to enable the enemy AI Chase fix. ; This will greatly reduce the chances of enemy vanilla chase behavior. ; (the one where they constantly swing their weapons while chasing) ; ; Enemies will either run or walk towards you without swinging their ; weapons instead. ; ; Kicks into effect every time you disengage from enemies. ; ; Note: requires Enemy AI to be enabled so that enemies can react ; in time and break out of their chase animation, if attacked. ; ; Set to 0 to disable ; Set to 1 to either walk or run ; Set to 2 for a small chance to also keep vanilla behavior ; set LDQuest.AIChaseFix to 2 ;default 2 ; ; - Set whether basic Creature AI should be enabled. ; ; A simplified version of the mod's NPC AI, this speeds up ; combat timers for Creatures so they can chain multiple ; attacks together. ; ; It also adds the anti-attack spam behavior from the mod's ; NPC AI to creatures with weapons and shields, along with ; a couple of other condition-based behaviors. ; ; Set to only affect stronger creatures by default. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to enable for all creatures, ; Set to 2 to only enable in interiors, ; Set to 3 to disable on lower level creatures, ; Set to 4 to disable on lower level creatures + only enable in interiors ; set LDQuest.CreatureAI to 3 ;default 3 ; ; - Whether to enable chase idles for creatures. Forces creatures ; to get in range before being allowed to attack, which improves ; behavior of creatures like Clannfears, Wolves, and Goblins, ; who constantly spam jumping powerattacks otherwise. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to enable on creatures that jump around a lot, ; Set to 2 to enable for all creatures ; ; Can cause unintended behavior with spellcaster creatures if ; set to 2, since they'll have to be in range to cast spells. ; set LDQuest.CreatureAIChaseFix to 1 ;default 1 ; ; - Enemy AI/Creature AI scripts will only activate on enemies ; if your FPS is above a certain number. ; ; This is to keep it from further affecting performance ; if your framerate is already unstable. ; ; Set to a very low value to always have Enemy AI enabled. ; set LDQuest.AIMaxFPS to 41 ;default 41 (above 40 FPS) ; ; - Enemy AI/Creature AI runs on a timer by default. This causes them ; to switch combat styles or perform special moves at certain intervals. ; ; Faster timers mean more responsive enemies at the cost of performance, ; though near instant timers should still be fine with vanilla ; spawn rates. ; ; I recommend leaving it on 'normal' otherwise, if using ; OOO or similar mods. ; ; Set to 0 for near instant timers, ; Set to 1 for fast timers, ; Set to 2 for normal timers, ; Set to 3 for slow timers ; set LDQuest.AITimer to 2 ;default 2 (normal) ; ; - Whether enemies should have their Fatigue reset to their maximum value once ; they engage in combat with the player. ; ; The game doesn't seem to do this for subsequent enemies of the same ; type, which might cause certain enemies to run out of Fatigue quickly. ; ; Having this option enabled should fix the above issue. ; set LDQuest.AIMaxFatigue to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 12. BASHING ; ; - Set whether to enable Bashing. Bashing deals 1 Poise damage ; and will interrupt and stagger Powerattacking/Blocking enemies. ; ; Bashing has a 1.5 second cooldown. ; ; Note: This feature uses the same quest as the Dodge feature, ; and will most likely not function if Dodge is disabled. ; ; This is done for performance reasons. ; set LDQuest.UseBash to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set the amount of stamina Bashing should cost. ; ; Set to 0 to make Bashing cost no stamina, ; Set to 1 for 25% of max Fatigue ; Set to 2 for 15% of max Fatigue ; Set to 3 for 5% of max Fatigue ; set LDQuest.BashCost to 3 ;default 3 (5%) ; ; - Set the Bashing key you would like to use. ; Keycodes can be found here: ; https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/DirectX_Scancodes_And_How_To_Use_Them ; set LDQuest.BashKey to 0 ;default 48 (the B key) ; ; - Set whether succesfully staggering an enemy by Bashing should ; immediately cancel the Bash animation. May look weird! ; set LDQuest.BashCancel to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether to also enable Bashing by pressing Attack while Blocking. ; ; Note: Bashing will be disabled for a short time after succesfully Parrying an enemy ; if this option is enabled, to prevent a control conflict that could otherwise occur. ; ; It will also be disabled for a short while after being hit while blocking to allow ; Guard Counters, which use the same combination of keys. ; set LDQuest.SkyrimBash to 1 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Whether a sound effect should play if a bash is attempted while it's on cooldown ; or otherwise unavailable. ; ; Set to 0 to disable (no sound or message), ; Set to 1 to play a sound effect, ; Set to 2 to display a message, ; Set to 3 for both of the previous options ; set LDQuest.BashMessage to 1 ;default 1 (sound effect) ; ; - Set the amount of player Strength attribute required for Bashing. (1-99) ; set LDQuest.BashReq to 1 ;default 1 (always enabled) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 13. LOCK-ON ; ; - This feature will let you lock-on to actors near the center ; of the screen. ; ; Note: Circling around your opponents too much/too fast may cause ; the engine to get confused and can cause a glitch that leaves ; you with a blank compass. Your attacks also won't hit anything. ; ; If this happens, just slightly move your mouse up and down. ; set LDQuest.UseLockOn to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set the types of target that can be locked onto. ; ; Set to 0 to only lock-on to enemies directly targeting you, ; Set to 1 to lock-on to any in-combat actor, ; Set to 2 to lock-on to any actor ; set LDQuest.LockOnType to 0 ;default 0 ; ; - Set the maximum distance for Lock-on. ; set LDQuest.LockOnDistance to 1024 ;default 1024 ; ; - Set whether to automatically lock on to the next valid target ; once your current target has died. ; set LDQuest.LockOnAutoSwitch to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set the speed at which Lock-on will rotate the camera towards ; the initial/next target. ; ; Note that fast speeds can cause stuttering depending on ; your framerate. ; ; Set to 0 for very slow speed (0.5) ; Set to 1 for slow speed (0.75) ; Set to 2 for normal speed (1.0) ; Set to 3 for fast speed (1.15) ; Set to 4 for very fast speed (2.0) ; set LDQuest.LockOnSpeed to 2 ;default 2 (normal) ; ; - Set the Lock-on target reticle/marker size. Set to the smallest ; size by default to be subtle. The larger sizes look cool though! ; ; Set to 0 for 50% ; Set to 1 for 75% ; Set to 2 for 100% ; Set to 3 for 125% ; Set to 4 for 150% ; set LDQuest.LockOnMarkerScale to 0 ;default 0 (50%) ; ; - Set the allowed min/max angles for Lock-on. This controls how ; far to the left/right of the screen an enemy can be to still ; be considered a valid target for Lock-on/auto-switch. ; set LDQuest.LockOnMinAngle to -35 ;default -35 set LDQuest.LockOnMaxAngle to 35 ;default 35 ; ; - Set the Lock-on key you would like to use. ; ; The same key can be used to cycle between targets once locked on. ; ; Press the key while holding the Right Mouse Button to stop ; locking on. ; ; Keycodes can be found here: ; https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/DirectX_Scancodes_And_How_To_Use_Them ; set LDQuest.LockOnKey to 45 ;default 33 (the F key) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 14. COMBAT RATING ; ; - Set whether to enable Combat Rating. This will rate your ; combat performance depending on a variety of (MCA-related) ; actions such as succesful powerattacks, timed dodges, ; parries, succesful bashes, attack chains, and more. ; ; Rating varies from rank D to rank S+. Anything lower will not ; be displayed at the end of combat. ; ; Using Healing Potions or Consumables will reduce your Combat Rating. ; Taking any hit will reset it to 0. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to show default ranks (Rank D to Rank S+) ; Set to 2 to show lore-friendly ranks (Novice to Champion) ; set LDQuest.ShowCombatRating to 0 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether performing exceptionally well in combat should ; reward the player with Gold. Applies to S rank and higher. ; ; Your character will also comment on specific ranks if this is ; enabled. ; ; (Uses persuasion dialogue, not always accurate but fun nonetheless) ; set LDQuest.CombatRatingReward to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 15. FINISHERS ; ; - Whether to enable Finishers. ; set LDQuest.Executions to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Finishers cannot be performed on higher level enemies by default. ; Set the option below to 1 to enable. ; set LDQuest.ExecNewLevel to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - The chance of an enemy becoming susceptible to Finishers once ; their health is low enough can be set below. ; set LDQuest.ExecNewChance to 40 ;default 40 (40%) ; ; - Performing a Finishing move fully restores your Fatigue by default. ; Set the option below to 0 to disable. ; set LDQuest.ExecNewFatigueRegen to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Whether to enable grunts/yells from the player during Finishing Moves. ; set LDQuest.ExecNewTaunts to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 16. MARKSMAN ; ; - Set whether to enable Charged Shots/Power Shots. ; ; Please see the in-game Marksman manual for more information. ; set LDQuest.ChargedShots to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether to play a sound effect each time your Charged Shots ; reach the next level. ; set LDQuest.ChargedShotSFX to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Higher Charged Shot ranks will slow you down by default to prevent ; being able to keep running backwards while charging, and instead ; make it so proper timing/spacing is required. ; ; Applies to Charge rank 3 and higher. Set to 0 to disable. ; set LDQuest.ChargedShotSlowdown to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Charged Shots/Power Shots can be toggled in-game by pressing the ; key below. ; ; Keycodes can be found here: ; https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/DirectX_Scancodes_And_How_To_Use_Them ; set LDQuest.CSToggleKey to 35 ;default 35 (the H key) ; ; - Set whether to unlock the Steady Hand perks at 50 and 75 Marksman skill. ; This will slow down time while you are zoomed in with a Bow. ; ; Slows time by 25% for the first rank, and 50% for the next. ; set LDQuest.SteadyHand to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether to enable Arrow Cancelling. This allows you to cancel ; your current shot by pressing the sheathe/unsheathe key while ; you are aiming with a Bow. ; set LDQuest.ArrowCancel to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether to auto-switch to first person view when you ; begin attacking with a bow in third person. ; ; Will switch back to third person after the attack has finished. ; set LDQuest.MarksmanPOV to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 17. CONSUMABLES ; ; - Set whether to enable Consumables. This will currently add two ; new animated healing grasses to the world that can be found as loot ; from enemies/chests. Functions as a persistent way to heal without ; ever going into your inventory or hotkeying anything. ; ; There is an item limit of 10 for each grass type. ; set LDQuest.UseConsumables to 0 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set the key you would like to use to heal. ; ; Keycodes can be found here: ; https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/DirectX_Scancodes_And_How_To_Use_Them ; set LDQuest.HealKey to 49 ;default 49 (the N key) ; ; - The drop rate for Consumables (1-99) can be specified below. ; set LDQuest.MoonGrassDropRate to 15 ;default 15 (15%) ; ; - Whether the healing from Consumables should scale with the player's ; Alchemy level. ; ; Restores 33% of Health/Magicka if Alchemy skill is under 75 ; Restores 50% of Health/Magicka if Alchemy skill is 75 - 100 ; Restores 66% of Health/Magicka if Alchemy skill is 100 ; ; Otherwise always restores 33% of Health/Magicka if option below is set to 0. ; set LDQuest.MoonGrassScaling to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether enemies should get a 50% chance to use Knight's Grass ; during combat to restore their health. ; ; Note that enemies will actually consume these. This will lead ; to fewer Knight's Grass drops from NPCs. ; ; Requires Enemy AI to be enabled. Does nothing otherwise. ; set LDQuest.EnemyConsumables to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether to enable Nehrim compatibility for Consumables. ; ; Consumables adds healing grass to a single leveled list ; by default, which is not present in Nehrim. ; ; Enabling this won't immediately make the mod compatible with ; Nehrim as it relies on Oblivion.esm, but it should get you ; a bit closer if that's what you're going for. ; ; You can also enable this if you simply don't want Consumables ; to appear as loot inside chests. ; set LDQuest.NehrimComp to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 18. ATTACK CLEAVING ; ; - Having this feature enabled will cause your melee weapon ; attacks to also hit other nearby enemies. ; ; Cleaved enemies will also take a single point of Poise damage, ; if Poise is enabled. ; ; Only works on enemies currently targeting you, to prevent ; friendly fire with non-hostile actors. ; ; Set to 0 to disable, ; Set to 1 to use OnHit version, ; Set to 2 to use OnRelease version ; ; If set to 1, your attacks will only cleave nearby enemies ; if you hit the target your crosshair is pointing towards. ; ; If set to 2, your attacks will cleave any enemies in front of you ; even if you aren't pointing your crosshair at anything. ; set LDQuest.UseCleave to 1 ;default 1 (OnHit) ; ; - Set how much damage Cleaving should deal. ; ; Final damage equals to: your weapon's attack damage ; divided by the number below. ; ; Note that cleave damage is scripted damage, and ignores ; any armor or resistances an enemy might have. The default ; value of 2 should more or less deal 100% of the damage ; you deal on non-cleave attacks. ; set LDQuest.CleaveDamageMult to 2 ;default 2 (50%) ; ; - Cleave angle/distance configuration for one-handed weapons. ; set LDQuest.Cleave1HMinAngle to -40 ;default -40 set LDQuest.Cleave1HMaxAngle to 40 ;default 40 set LDQuest.Cleave1HDistance to 180 ;default 180 ; ; - Cleave angle/distance configuration for two-handed weapons. ; set LDQuest.Cleave2HMinAngle to -55 ;default -55 set LDQuest.Cleave2HMaxAngle to 55 ;default 55 set LDQuest.Cleave2HDistance to 245 ;default 245 ; ; - Whether to display a visual effect upon succesful Cleave hits. ; set LDQuest.CleaveSFX to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set the minimum weapon skill level needed to activate Cleaving. (1-100) ; set LDQuest.CleaveMinSkill to 1 ;default 1 (always enabled) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 98. MOD BALANCE ; ; - Set how many levels above the player an enemy needs to be so it's ; considered high level by the mod. Everything in this section will ; only apply to high level enemies. ; set LDQuest.lvldiff to 5 ;default 5 (5+ levels) ; ; - Set whether you wish to be notified of high level enemies ; when entering combat. ; set LDQuest.HighLevelWarning to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Bashing higher level enemies will have no effect if the ; option below is set to 1. ; set LDQuest.HighLevelBash to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Parrying higher level enemies will cause a shorter ; stagger if the option below is set to 1. ; Counterattacks on these enemies will also be disabled. ; set LDQuest.HighLevelParry to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; 99. MISCELLANEOUS ; ; - Enable the setting below to add a 50% chance for equipped ; weapons and armor to be removed from enemies when they ; are killed by the player. (50% chance per individual piece) ; Quest items are not removed. ; set LDQuest.RemoveEquipment to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether to enable Equipment Requirements. ; ; This will prevent you from equipping weapons/armor that you ; do not have the required amount of skill for. ; ; Note: this is only active when attempting to equip items, ; you'll have to unequip and re-equip everything on an existing ; character for the script to take effect. ; set LDQuest.EQRestriction to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether to disable opening the inventory during combat. ; set LDQuest.CombatPause to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether blocked attacks should produce sparks, ; like they do in Skyrim. ; set LDQuest.BlockSparks to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ; - Set whether to enable the MCA Light spell. This will light up ; your surroundings so you can see what's around you without ; unequipping your 2H weapon/Shield. Can be toggled in-game. ; set LDQuest.AddLightSpell to 0 ;default 1 (on) ; ; Set the key you would like to use to toggle the Light spell in-game. ; ; Keycodes can be found here: ; https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/DirectX_Scancodes_And_How_To_Use_Them ; set LDQuest.LightKey to 36 ;default 36 (J) ; ; - Set whether to use the Enemy Berserk feature. ; ; If this feature is enabled, all idle timers ; will be set to 0.1 sec causing enemies to stand ; around much less and be more aggressive overall. ; set LDQuest.EnemyBerserk to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set the option below to 1 to add the MCA Manuals the next ; time you load the game. ; ; In case you've dropped them or didn't receive them for some reason. ; You should toggle this back to 0 after they've been added. ; set LDQuest.AddManual to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether most of the mod's Quests should be stopped while ; the player is out of combat. Should improve performance, ; but hasn't been tested extensively. If you enable this, ; let me know if anything weird happens before/after combat. ; ; Note that this also stops the Lock-on quest, so you'll only be ; able to lock-on to enemies while in combat if enabled. ; set LDQuest.DynamicQuests to 0 ;default 0 (off) ; ; - Set whether to use the Purge Cell Buffers feature. ; This will activate on each interior -> exterior transition. ; ; Activates after a 7 second delay so that enemies can pass ; through doors that lead out of dungeons. ; set LDQuest.UsePCB to 1 ;default 1 (on) ; ;========================================================================== ; ; - Please do not change the value below. ; set LDQuest.modversion to 24 ; ;==========================================================================